Safety Tips To Avoid an Auto Accident This Holiday Season

It’s the holiday season which means many people will be hitting the Florida roadways to attend parties, festivities and family gatherings. As travel increases, so do the chances of being involved in a car accident. Fortunately, there are certain precautions that you can take to keep you and your family safe.

Always make sure that you are wearing a seatbelt. Even with the known dangers of not wearing seatbelts, many drivers forget to buckle up causing countless of lives to be lost. Also, it is imperative that any passengers, especially children, are properly buckled up. Their lives may depend on it.

Double check that you have your cell phone with you and that it is properly charged. You may need to call for help if your car breaks down.

Resist the urge to speed. Many drivers find themselves driving faster than they should when running late for an event. Speeding can increase your chances of being in an accident, which could injure yourself and those traveling with you.

Whatever you do, never drink and drive. Driving while under in influence of alcohol can impair your ability to react to dangers on the roadways, increasing your chances of being seriously injured in an accident.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a Central Florida car accident you should contact an experienced Orlando accident attorney at the Law Offices of Lilly, O’Toole & Brown at (863) 533-5525.