What Does It Mean To Live in A No Fault Insurance State

Florida is a no fault insurance state, meaning that your medical expenses will be paid no matter who was at fault in the accident. The Florida no-fault insurance system allows you to collect compensation for medical payments, lost wages and household services.

One of the other aspects of the Florida insurance system is that in order to file a lawsuit against the other driver, your injuries must be significant. Your injuries must reach a certain threshold, which usually occurs when your injuries are serious or permanent. For example, if disfigurement, scarring or loss of a bodily function is involved, you may have grounds to file a lawsuit to obtain financial compensation for your injuries.

If you are unsure if you qualify to pursue compensation in litigation, you should talk with a Central Florida accident attorney. A Florida car accident lawyer will be able to review the details of your case, explain your legal rights and help you determine the best course of action for your claim.

Contact the Law Offices of Lilly, O’Toole & Brown, LLP at (863) 683-1111 for legal advice. For more information about Florida no fault insurance, read the informative article, “How Being a No Fault State Impacts Your Florida Car Accident Case.”