Evidence Needed To Build a Florida Truck Accident Claim

If you have suffered a severe injury-such as paralysis, disfigurement, or loss of limb-in a Florida truck accident, you are more-than-likely looking to file a truck accident claim to recover damages for your injuries. If that is the case, you will need to partner with a Florida truck accident lawyer in order to build a strong and convincing claim.

While this can all seem a little overwhelming, particularly as you are in the midst of a challenging and painful recovery, know that it is your lawyer’s job to spearhead the search for relevant evidence and organize it in a manner that is most persuasive to the insurance companies and/or the courts.

Among the necessary pieces of evidence that go into building a compelling truck accident claim are:

  • Accident and police reports
  • Medical records that substantiate your injury claims
  • A comprehensive background of the truck driver involved in your accident, including any previous safety violations or accidents
  • Truck maintenance records
  • The on-board recording device records
  • Witness reports and testimony
  • Records of hazardous material handling; if applicable
  • The truck company’s policies

Some of these pieces of evidence, particularly those that come from the trucking company responsible for your wreck, may be very difficult to obtain on your own. Your Florida truck accident lawyer will handle this part of your truck accident claims process. Your biggest concerns should be focusing on healing, following your attorney’s instructions and filing your claim within the prescribed time frame.

For more information about the Florida truck accident claims process, visit our article library.

A Florida truck accident attorney at Lilly, O’Toole & Brown can help you sort through the often overwhelming issues that may present themselves in the course of a truck accident claim. We are committed to protecting your best interests and helping you collect the damages you and your family need and deserve to move on with your lives. Contact our firm today to schedule your consultation; (863) 533-5525.