Aggressive Truck Drivers Endanger the Lives of Florida Drivers

Anytime you come “head to head” with an aggressive driver on a Florida highway, you are put in harm’s way. But when that aggressive driver is sitting behind the wheel of a large commercial vehicle or semi truck, the situation becomes significantly more dangerous and potentially deadly.

We’ve all been there; driving on I-95 when you look in the rearview mirror and see the headlights of a large truck coming up too quickly and closely on your own passenger vehicle, leaving you little time or options to get out of the way. Or those times when a semi cuts you off in traffic on the Florida Turnpike, causing you to quickly slam on your brakes. These are scary driving situations caused by aggressive truck drivers and they can lead to a serious Florida truck crash.

According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, Florida is one of 14 states that has aggressive driver laws on the books. Unfortunately, state statute prohibits Florida police from being able to enforce aggressive driver laws. This doesn’t mean that evidence of aggressive-and dangerous-behavior on behalf of the truck driver involved in your Florida truck crash isn’t a critical component of your truck crash injury claim.

Your Florida truck accident lawyer will want to know if aggressive driving played a role in your accident. Actions that indicate an aggressive truck driver contributed to your accident include:

  • Tail-gating
  • Excessive speeding
  • Changing lanes without signaling
  • Cutting you off in traffic
  • Barreling through stop signs or traffic lights
  • Switching lanes without properly checking blind-spots or giving enough room for other drivers

Aggressive truck driving is a sign of truck driver negligence and is an important factor in your injury claim. To learn more about truck driver negligence, visit our article library.

A Florida truck accident lawyer at Lilly, O’Toole & Brown can help you sort through the often overwhelming issues that may present themselves in the course of a truck accident claim. We are committed to protecting your best interests and helping you collect the damages you and your family need and deserve to move on with your lives. Contact our firm today to schedule your consultation; (863) 533-5525.